Friday, February 18, 2011

Mi Ordenador Enfermo

My computer has a virus. I was trying to make a powerpoint for my speech I will give next week on illnesses, and I clicked on a picture on Google of someone with a stomach ache and it downloaded a virus to my computer. I was very sad :( My sister had her friend look at it but he was not able to remove the virus. I think I will have to format my hard drive and delete everything to get rid of the virus. Luckily I had backed up my documents to a flash drive on Sunday, so those are safe. The only problem is my pictures. There were too many to save to my flash drive, so I didn't worry about it on Sunday, but now I am uploading them onto shutterfly and Kodak websites so I don't lose them. It takes forever but I know it will be worth it! It's a very unfortunate thing to have happen but I'm getting over it and moving on.

Last night (Thursday) we went to the filmoteca to see Toy Story 3. We thought that it would be in English like the movie last week and were very surprised when the characters started talking in Spanish. They even sang the songs in Spanish..."Hay un amigo en mi"=You've Got a Friend in Me. We learned some phrases like "al infinito y mas alla"=to infinity and beyond! and "hay un serpiente en me bota"=there's a snake in my boot. The movie only costs one euro and we always stop at the Sanchez-Cortes candy store to buy gummy bears before going in.

After the movie, I went home, had supper, and went out. We went to a new discoteca and then to La Habana for a party with the Erasmus students. It was lots of fun and there was lots of music in English. I also ran into my sister and her friends there. I met so many new people that I can hardly remember any of their names. When La Habana closed at 3AM, we headed toward another area of town that opens later in the night. I didn't stay long because another person wanted to go home so I walked back with her. We were out til 4AM!! Latest I've ever stayed out!

Today I slept in, had lunch, and am working on homework. Yes, we finally got homework. I have to finish my powerpoint for my speech, write a reflection paper on our trip to Merida, read a couple chapters in a book, and translate an American recipie into Spanish (I'm doing Corn on the Cob). We leave tomorrow morning at 6am on a bus to go to Madrid!!! Can't wait!


  1. Toy Story 3 in Spanish! I am just curious. If Buzz Light-year switches to "Spanish Mode," how do you notice a difference while watching the Spanish version?

  2. Haha well he still spoke in Spanish during that part. I really don't know if the Spanish people understood that he changed modes or not!
